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您當(dāng)前的位置:首頁(yè) » 供應(yīng)產(chǎn)品 » 環(huán)保水性色漿 有機(jī)中級(jí)透明檸檬黃 TLW-2810 檸檬青
環(huán)保水性色漿 有機(jī)中級(jí)透明檸檬黃 TLW-2810 檸檬青
產(chǎn) 品: 瀏覽次數(shù):737環(huán)保水性色漿 有機(jī)中級(jí)透明檸檬黃 TLW-2810 檸檬青 
型 號(hào): TLW-2810 
規(guī) 格: 5kg、25kg、30kg 
品 牌: 兄弟顏料 
單 價(jià): 30.00元/千克 
最小起訂量: 25 千克 
供貨總量: 5000 千克
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 1 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
更新日期: 2018-06-11  有效期至:2018-09-28 [已過期]

顏色編號(hào)Color Number:   TLW-2810 檸檬黃 Yellow

特性說明  Characteristics:有機(jī)中級(jí)透明顏料,色彩鮮艷、檸檬青色色相,耐光耐熱性好,有輕微遷移

適用范圍      General Coverage Program:

1.內(nèi)外墻涂料   Indor& Outdor painting
2.壓染             Pad dyeing process
3.水性涂層      Water base coating
4.水性乳膠      Water base latex
5.紙張著色      Paper coloring
6.紡織印花      Textile printing
7.木器著色      Wooden coloring
8.布匹染色      Fabric dyeing process
9.水性體系樹脂著色 Water base resin coloring
10.膠漿著色    Elastic resin coloring
11.印刷油墨    Printing inks



顏料物性試驗(yàn)方法 Method of testing the Property of Pigments
1.耐光性試驗(yàn)  Teshing of Light Fastness
 Blue Scale 1-To-8標(biāo)準(zhǔn)色卡之級(jí)數(shù)判定耐光程度優(yōu)劣,8級(jí)最佳(不變色),1級(jí)最差(嚴(yán)重變色)。
Cutting various pieces of color pattern sheets to suitable sizes,then put them into the Fade-
O-Meter for light exposure,and to divide the time of exposure to be in the range of 3-400 ho-
urs. Afterward,take out the test pattern sheets to assess their degrees of color fading and dis-
coloration against a standard Blue Scale which is assigned to value form 1 to 8. Grade 8 is the 
excellent(color will not be changed),grade 1 is very poor (color is shanged severly).
2.耐熱性試驗(yàn)  Testing of Heat Resistance
Cutting various pieces of color pattern sheets to suitable sizes,Take 8 pieces and put them into
an oven under a condition of 180±2℃ for testing.Take out each piece every 10 minute,and to
inspect their degree of color changing (degree of color fading).Grade 5 is the excellent and
grade 1 is the worst.
3.耐酸堿性試驗(yàn)  Testing for Acids or Alkalis Resistance
Cutting various pieces of color pattern sheets to suitable sizes,Take desired piece dip in into
the bath of 5% HCl or 10% NaOH for 24 hours,then take them out to assess their degree of
color fading. On a comparison scale,Grade 5 is the excell ent and grade 1 is the worst.
顏料物性檢驗(yàn)分級(jí)  Scale for Assessment of Physical Property of Pigment
1.耐光性Light Fastness
Light Fastness is assessed on 1 to 8 grade,grade 8 is the Exellent,grade 1 is very poor.
  Blue scale for Light Fastness  
  Blue Scale Fade-O-Meter Full Exposure  
            8級(jí):特優(yōu)  Outstanding 400Hours  
            7級(jí):極優(yōu)  Exellent 200Hours  
            6級(jí):優(yōu)     Very Good 100Hours  
            5級(jí):良     Good 50Hours  
            4級(jí):中     Fairly Good 25Hours  
            3級(jí):可     Moderate 12Hours  
            2級(jí):差     Poor 6Hours  
            1級(jí):極差  Very Poor 3Hours

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