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生物基涂料在2013亞太綠色工業(yè)涂料峰會(huì)上 引起熱烈討論

放大字體  縮小字體 http://www.yiyexingchen.cn  發(fā)布日期:2013-10-07  瀏覽次數(shù):90
    2013年初,Corbion和Perstorp成功開發(fā)含丙交酯和己內(nèi)酯的共聚物。Bioamber公司在中國(guó)尋求在涂料,聚氨酯和塑料方面的合作并且致力于亞太市場(chǎng)的開發(fā)。Ecoat -- 法國(guó)一家創(chuàng)新的綠色涂料解決方案提供商于今年在中國(guó)開設(shè)代表處,更好的服務(wù)亞洲客戶。而作為卷材涂料的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,貝科工業(yè)涂料更是將生物基在卷材涂料上的應(yīng)用寫進(jìn)了可持續(xù)發(fā)展報(bào)告。
    Kong Chin Chew博士, 亞太區(qū)可持續(xù)發(fā)展負(fù)責(zé)人, 貝科工業(yè)涂料
    Olivier Choulet,首席執(zhí)行官, Ecoat S.A.S. 法國(guó)
    Nicolas Florent, 業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展經(jīng)理, BioAmber France
  張昶明, 市場(chǎng)發(fā)展經(jīng)理, 柏斯托
, 中國(guó)總經(jīng)理 Corbion

Bio-based coating in heat discussion at Green Industrial Coating Asia 2013

Sept 24 2013, Shanghai China, several green raw material suppliers mentioned at Green Industrial Coating Asia 2013 that they would strengthen the R&D and promotion of bio-based concept in coating market. The ups and downs of oil price leads to the raw material price increase for the downstream chemical market and oil shall be used up in one day.

Some far-sighted chemical companies already started the bio-based research years ago, Bayer Material Science, Allnex, Becker Industrial Coating, BASF, even position bio-based application as Future strategy. China is one of the world largest oil consumption countries, the effect of oil crisis shall be more obvious in future. 

In the panel discussion, majority of companies regarded China as the most potential country to develop bio-based technology. Poly-Lactic Acid, Succinic Acid, BDO, PHAs are already produced in bio-based route with mature techniques and the performance can also compete with Petroleum-based products.

Purac and Perstorp already work together to develop Caprolactone Lactide Co-Product at beginning of 2013.Bioamber are seeking opportunity to work with China coating, PU, plastics partners and move its strategy to Asia. Ecoat France-An innovative leader in Eco-friendly Coatings  opened a new representative office in China this year to better serve Asia market. Becker follows sustainable program and considers bio-content raw materials in coil coating.

At the beginning of 2013, China State Council has put forward “Planning for Biotech Development” blueprint. Biobased industry is not only a new growth point for companies, but also a national strategy for China.

    From left to right
    Dr.Kong Chin Chew, Head of Long Term Development Asia, Becker Industrial Coatings
    Olivier Choulet Chief Executive Officer, Ecoat S.A.S. France
    Nicolas Florent, Business Development Manager EU, BioAmber France
    Peter Zhang, Market Development Manager, Perstorp
    Evan Wu, General Manager, Purac China


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